Kryton Krystal Concrete Waterproofing Internal Membrane, Surface-Applied Slurry, Admixtures & Additives.
The Most Effective Integral Concrete Waterproofing And Durability Solutions.
Using Kryton technologies, Smart Concrete will respond to its environment to protect itself against corrosion, erosion, abrasion and water penetration. SMART CONCRETE will last many times longer than regular concrete – even in the harshest conditions.
Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) Concrete Waterproofing Admixture.
Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) is a hydrophilic crystalline admixture used to permanently waterproof concrete.
Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) Concrete Waterproofing Admixture.
Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) is a hydrophilic crystalline admixture used to permanently waterproof concrete. KIM Internal Membrane lowers the permeability of concrete, and is used in place of surface-applied waterproofing membranes. By stopping the transmission of water through concrete, KIM adds durability and longevity to concrete by protecting it against chemical attack and corrosion of reinforcing steel.
KIM membrane contains Krystol technology. When added to concrete, Krystol chemically reacts with water and un-hydrated cement particles to form insoluble needle-shaped crystals. These crystals fill capillary pores and micro-cracks in the concrete which block the pathways for water and waterborne contaminants. Any moisture introduced over the lifespan of the concrete will initiate crystallization, ensuring permanent waterproofing protection.
- Lowers the cost of waterproofing
- Helps to shave weeks off of construction schedules
- Reduces the cost of maintenance and repairs
- Increases reliability and quality control
- Increases revenues with a larger building footprint
- Safe for contact with potable water and Certified by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects
- Winner of the Most Innovative Product Award at World of Concrete in 2003
Features and Benefits of Concrete Waterproofing Admixture
- The original and unsurpassed Permeability Reducing Admixture for Hydrostatic conditions (PRAH)
- 35+ years of history
- Effective against 140 m (460 ft) of hydrostatic head pressure
- Reliably self-seals hairline cracks up to 0.5 mm (0.02 in)
- Reduces concrete shrinkage and cracking
- Outperforms other crystalline admixtures on an equal weight basis (kg for kg / lb for lb)
- Unique chemical reaction
- Highest level of permeability reduction
- Most dependable self-sealing performance
- Best shrinkage and restrained shrinkage cracking reduction
- Proven to extend life and protect against corrosion
- Easily added directly to ready-mix truck or to a central mixer
- Safe for contact with potable water
- Certified by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 61
- Replaces the need for unreliable membranes, liners and coatings
- Impervious to physical damage and deterioration
- Significant reduction to your construction schedule
- Reduces the cost of maintenance and repairs
- Increases revenues with a larger building footprint
- Lowers overall waterproofing costs
- Essential for blind-wall and shotcrete applications
- Extends life of concrete
- Protects concrete against corrosion of reinforcement
- Improves resistance to freeze-thaw
- Improves resistance to waterborne chemicals such as sulfates, chlorides, and acids
Recomended uses of Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) Concrete Waterproofing Admixture
Use KIM to provide waterproofing protection for any Cast-in-place, Shotcrete or Precast concretes that will be subject to water, such as:
- Below grade parking structures, basements, elevator pits and foundations of high-rise towers
- Recreational facilities such as aquatic centers, aquariums, zoos, water parks and marinas
- Architectural water features such as fountains and waterfalls
- Traffic tunnels, below grade pipelines and subway tunnels
- Water containment reservoirs, water treatment tanks, sewage and manholes
- Bridges, dams and highway infrastructure
- Concrete homes including basements, foundations, swimming pools, decks, bathrooms, garages and exteriors
- Sufficiently designed roof tops and plaza decks
- Any concrete that requires the highest level of protection and durability
Application of Hydrophilic Crystalline Admixture
Detailed application instruction can be found in Application Instruction 6.11 — Protecting Masonry Mortar or Application Instruction 6.21 — Protecting Rendering & Plastering Mortar before using this product.
Dose KMA at 2% by weight of cement. When dosing on the jobsite, measure and add 1 liter (1 quart) of tightly-packed KMA for each 40kg (88 lb.) bag of cement in your mortar mix. Mix well. Reduce water if necessary. It is designed to be used with existing mix design and installation practices. Proper curing is essential to achieve the performance and benefits of KMA.
Limitations of Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM)
KMA is an effective system for rigid structures only and may not resist water for mortar that experiences variable loading or repeated movement. Consult a Kryton representative for project specific recommendations.
KMA Krystol Mortar Admixture™ (KMA).
Krystol Mortar Admixture (KMA) is a hydrophilic crystalline concrete waterproofing admixture used to provide long-term protection of masonry mortars and concrete masonry units against water and waterborne contaminants by reducing permeability and absorption of the mortar.
KMA Krystol Mortar Admixture™ (KMA)
Krystol Mortar Admixture (KMA) is a hydrophilic crystalline concrete waterproofing admixture designed to provide long-term protection of masonry mortars & concrete masonry units against water and waterborne contaminants by reducing permeability and absorption of the mortar.
KMA simplifies installation through removing the need for surface applied sealers and is easily incorporated into the existing mix-design and application processes. KMA provides superior waterproofing performance that lowers building maintenance and repair costs.
Krystol Mortar Admixture™ (KMA)
KMA Krystol Mortar Admixture™ KMA contains Krystol technology. When added to cementitious mortars or concrete masonry units, Krystol chemically reacts with water and un-hydrated cement particles to form insoluble needle-shaped crystals that fill capillary pores and micro-cracks in the concrete and block the pathways for water and waterborne contaminants.
Any moisture introduced over the lifespan of the concrete will initiate crystallization, ensuring permanent waterproofing protection.
Features & Benefits of KMA Krystol Mortar Admixture
- Enhances durability by resisting salt attacks freeze thaw degradation, corrosion of embedded steel and water penetration
- Minimizes the chance of debonding
- Preserves aesthetics by resisting stains and discoloration caused by efflorescence, mold and mildew, and rust
- Enhances workability for ease of use, improved adhesion and reduced cracking
- Self-seals minor cracking
- Withstands water under pressure such as wind-driven rain
- Simplifies installation and shortens the construction cycle
- Eliminates the upfront building and labor costs specific to surface applied sealers
- Delivers a permanent solution that lasts the lifetime of the mortar
- Increases durability, decreasing building maintenance and repair costs
- Improves aesthetics by maintaining the original appearance for lasting attractiveness
Provides superior performance enhancing your reputation for high quality work
Recommended uses of hydrophilic crystalline Concrete Waterproofing Admixture
Use KMA to provide permanent protection for:
- Rendering and plastering mortar (including stucco and other thin topping mixes) over concrete masonry walls or other prepared substrates
- Masonry mortar (i.e., mortar that goes between the masonry units)
- Concrete masonry units (i.e., blocks when they are manufactured)
Kryton Krystal Concrete Waterproofing Membrane Admixtures & Additives
Where can I buy Kryton Krystal Concrete Waterproofing Membrane Admixtures & Additives?
Midas Paints Tygervalley 021 910 0134
64-70 Edward Street, Tygervalley, Bo Oakdale, Cape Town, 7530.
4J8P+H2 Bellville, Cape Town
Midas Paints Strand Somerset West 021 851 0913
7 Henry Vos Cl, Asla Park, Cape Town, 7140
VVV4+R9 Strand, Cape Town